More and more companies, communicators and CEOs are using Twitter and other social media to reach customers, clients and colleagues; research markets and trends; and sell their products, services and ideas.

But social media is more like a cocktail party than a press release. Write status updates that sound like they were produced by a corporation — or even a public relations pro — and you’ll soon find yourself socializing with like-minded CEOs and company leaders, not just attracting new friends and followers.

  • Use the 70-20-10 rule for engaging your followers making sure your status updates are welcome guests, not intrusive pests.
  • Pass the “who cares?” test and become a good resource, not a bore, on social media.
  • Get retweeted. Expand your influence and reach on Twitter.
  • Tweet like the FBI. Write dramatic, compelling status updates that draw followers and get clicks.
  • Make your posts personable. There’s a reason they call it “social” media.
  • Tweak your tweets. Get your message across in 140 characters or less. Think of new ways to make 140 characters go further.
  • Last, but certainly not least, DON’T BE ROBOTIC in your posts.  Be engaging, original; professional.  It’s okay to add some fun into the mix too.

Now go and make it a wonderful Wednesday!  To read more blog posts, go to or

Profit in business comes from repeat customers, customers that boast about your project or service, and that bring friends with them. W. Edwards Deming, Statistician, Professor, Author, Lecturer & Consultant