This is an actual posting from a student:
images“Ok, so basically I go to school, and I cracked my laptop screen, in our school we get laptops which we take home and do homework on, and we use them in class too. And I broke my laptop screen by putting an ice lolly stick between the keyboard and the screen and slamming it shut, yes it was a stupid thing to do, and I won’t do it again, if I say I did that, I get a detention, and I don’t want one, so therefore, I need a good excuse why it cracked, so it wasn’t my fault and I won’t get a detention.”


Hey, it happens.  You get upset or are in a hurry and “bam” you’ve slammed your laptop shut too hard or placed something like a piece of paper with a paper clip inside of it before you slammed it.  Now your laptop won’t start up and the screen is cracked to boot!  Well, we are here to help.